Penetration Bitumen Grade 50/70:
Bitumen grade 50/70 is a premium brand that is dark brown or black color similar to cement-shape semi-solid or viscous liquid form produced by the non-destructive refining of crude oil during petroleum refining.
The exact chemical composition of bitumen is dependent on the chemical complexity of the original crude oil and the manufacturing process. Penetration bitumen grade 50/70 has properties of 50~70 desimilimeter and softening point 46~58 Deg.C.
Application of bitumen 50/70:
bitumen penetration grade 50/70 is hard penetration grade bitumen using as paving grade bitumen suitable for road construction and repair also for the production of asphalt pavements with below technical specification. This grade of bitumen is mainly used in the manufacture of hot mix asphalt for bases and wearing courses.
Bitumen 50/70 is Elastic and Plastic:
When one takes a thread of bitumen 70/100 from a sample and stretches or elongates it, it is the power to return to a length preparing to its original length eventually. For many bitumen 50/70 this technique might take longer than others.
Data Sheet of bitumen 50/70:
Bitumen 50/70 | Specification | Test method |
Specific Gravity @25/25cg | 1.01/1.06 | D-70 |
Penetration @25 Deg.C | 50/70 | D-5 |
Softening point, Ddeg.C | 46/58 | D-36 |
Ductility @ 25 Deg.C | 100min | D-113 |
Loss on heating (WT) % | 0.2 max | D-6 |
Drop in penetration after heating % | 20 max | D-6, D-5 |
Flash point, Deg.C | 250 min | D-92 |
Solubility IS CS2(WT) % | 99.5 max | D-4 |
Spot test | negative | A.A.S.H.O.T102 |