A membrane is a selective barrier; it allows some things to pass through but stops others. Such things may be molecules, ions, or other small particles. Biological membranes include cell membranes nuclear membranes, which cover a cell nucleus; and tissue membranes, such as mucosae and serosae. Synthetic membranes are made by humans for use in laboratories and industry.
The high quality product is based on a kind of bitumen insulation with a penetration grade in the range 60 to 70 at standard test conditions reinforced by SBS polymer. It proves to be highly adhesive and elastic appropriate for almost any type of building surfaces.
Due to the special properties, the application of this product leaves a resistible long-lasting elastic layer on the proposed surface preventing water, humidity and moisture penetration.
Isoprimer is a special water primer applied as preparatory coating put on the surface primarily to installation of bitumen based insulation materials. The application of this product helps to remove the surface dust enhancing the installation quality and prolonging the insulation materials life-time.
The self-adhesive insulation tape is based on bitumen in combination with polymers. It is provided in different width from 5 to 100 cm. The product is ideal for insulation of any kind of pipes and is also often used as a strong sealant.
Isopolymer is easy handling and suitable for cold or warm application offered in 15 Kg cartons & containers and 170 liter drums.