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Chemical Mine World Ltd. Oxidized Bitumen Natural Asphalt Natural Bitumen Read MoreSee other
what is BitumenBitumen is an oil based substance. It is a semi-solid hydrocarbon product produced by removing the lighter fractions (such as liquid petroleum gas, petrol and diesel) from heavy crude oil during the refining process. Read More
Types of BitumenThe bitumen typesregarding its generation source bitumen can be classified into three categories: natural, petroleum asphalts, coal tar pitches.
Natural Bitumennatural asphalt or Natural bitumen is similar to hard petroleum asphalt and is often called a natural asphalt, asphaltite, uintaite, or asphaltum.
Chemical Mine World Ltd. Oxidized Bitumen Natural Asphalt Natural Bitumen Read More
BITUMEN VS ASPHALT What’s the difference between Bitumen and Asphalt? Should I use Bitumen or Asphalt? Bitumen is actually the liquid binder that holds asphalt together. The term bitumen is often mistakenly used to describe asphalt. A bitumen-sealed road has a layer of bitumen sprayed and then covered with an aggregate. This is then repeated to give a two-coat seal. Asphalt is produced in a plant that heats, dries and mixes aggregate, bitumen and sand into a composite mix. It is then applied through a paving machine on site as a solid material at a nominated or required thickness, relative to the end use. Asphalt results in a smoother and more durable surface than a bitumen-sealed road.